New partnership with Feludei Jewels to co-serve elite Customers
Feludei, the famous celebrities’ Jewellery in Positano and Dreams Horizon Yachting, the sailing charter company based in Sicily, Sardinia and Amalfi too, are happy to announce their new partnership in the luxury market aimed to create special offers to elite targeted Customers of theirs.
Federico Dinelli-CEO Feludei: “It’s a real pleasure to have met Dreams Horizon Founders: we both serve a high target clientele, with best-in-class products in the respective markets. It has come out very naturally to think about offering personalized joint proposals to both of our customers’ bases. Fine jewels and VIP Yachts are expression of the same love for elegance and prestige. And Dreams Horizon is not just a yacht charter as the many out there, they do serve their Customers with services and a ‘savoir faire’ that is not common: professional, gentle, prepared, customer oriented. ‘Boutique yachting’: what a perfect tagline they have chosen. It’s the sharing of same values that convinced us to become partner in launching joint promotions already from Christmas 2021”